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From Bottles to Euros: How Germany's Pfand System Works

Aktualisiert: 19. Dez. 2023

PET Bottles
Germany's Pfand (deposit return) system is a highly efficient and environmentally conscious method for recycling beverage containers. As an expat in Germany, understanding this system is crucial for both contributing to the country's recycling efforts and getting your deposit money back.

How the Pfand System Works

When you buy certain bottled or canned beverages in Germany, you pay an additional charge known as a "Pfand" (deposit). This deposit is refunded when you return the empty container to a designated return point. The system covers a range of containers, including PET plastic, metal cans (aluminium and tinplate), and glass containers, with volumes ranging from 100ml to 3 liters​.

Current Statistics (as of 2023)

  • Return Rate: A record 98% for eligible single-use drink containers​​.

  • Deposit Values: €0.25 for single-use containers, €0.08-€0.50 for refillable containers, plus €0.75 or €1.50 for half or full crates​​.

  • Container Types: The system includes single-use and refillable containers​​. [Source:]



What containers are covered by the Pfand system?

Covered: Beer bottles, aluminium cans, single-use plastic bottles, multiple-use glass and plastic bottles, certain wine bottles.

Not covered: Milk cartons and bottles, most wine bottles​​.

How do I recognize Pfand bottles?

Look for symbols like "Mehrweg", "Pfand-Glas", or "Mehrwegflasche" on the container or label. Sometimes the Pfand logo is next to the barcode​​.

Where can I return Pfand bottles?

Any business that sells Pfand containers is required to accept them back. However, stores are not obligated to accept types of containers they don’t sell. Larger stores (over 200 m²) must accept containers of all brands​​.

What happens to the returned containers?

Single-use containers are recycled, while multiple-use containers are cleaned and reused.

How is the deposit refunded?

Typically, the deposit is refunded in cash or as a store voucher.


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